¿Qué pasó con el esposo de la llorona?

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¿Qué pasó con el esposo de la llorona?

¿Qué pasó con el esposo de la llorona?

Ella, en vez de sentirse avergonzada, cogió un machete y mató a su marido; después, lo enterró en el solar de su casa. Como sus dos hijos gemelos habían sido testigos del atroz asesinato, los llevó al río San Pedro y les dio muerte también, ahogándolos (cuando el río si llevaba agua, no como ahora que está seco).30 oct 2017

What was La Llorona's real name?

  • According to legend, Maria roamed the river banks for months. With time, her white gown began to soil and deteriorate, gaining her the horrifying signature look. Maria also refused to eat and spent the rest of her days weeping. Hence her name, La Llorona, "The Weeping Woman".

Is the story of La Llorona true?

  • La Llorona, also known as the Weeping Woman, has several variations and is not known to be true. It is a Hispanic legend that dates back to Aztec civilization . Her ghost is said to walk the canals and rivers in Texas, states the Texas State Historical Association .

How does the story of La Llorona go?

  • La Llorona. Although several variations exist, the most basic story tells of a beautiful woman by the name of Maria who drowns her children in the Mexican River in means of revenge because her husband left her for a younger woman. She soon realizes that her children are dead, so she drowned herself in a river in Mexico City.

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